The 29th anniversary of National Salvation Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan

2022-06-20     이수한

[naewoeilbo내외일보] Su Han, Lee 이수한 기자 = In 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan regained independence for the second time in the 20th century.

The act establishing the state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which completed its passage on October 18, 1991, set out the foundations for the statehood of an independent Azerbaijan and determined the principles of its political and economic structure.

However, in the first years of independence, an internal crisis and a crisis of power emerged in the country. Chaos and confusion were reigning in all spheres of public life. The situation in the army was also worsening. The Armenian aggression was intensifying day by day. A crisis of power was being observed in Azerbaijan. There was also a struggle for power between individuals and groups. After coming to power on May 14, 1992, the Popular Front party immediately demonstrated its complete inability to govern the country. In the summer of 1993, a real threat of civil war arose in Azerbaijan.

On June 9, Heydar Aliyev arrived in Baku under challenging days accepting the insistent invitations of the people. Thank his efforts, the civil war in the country was prevented.

On June 15, 1993, Heydar Aliyev was elected Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Thus, this day went down in the country's history as the Day of National Salvation. At the request of the people, the Parliament of Azerbaijan declared this day a holiday in June 1997.

The policies pursued later by the National Leader Heydar Aliyev developed the sense of national identity by reviving the deep historical and cultural memory of the Azerbaijani nation, as well as by instilling a firm conviction for preserving and strengthening Azerbaijan’s independence and statehood.

Today the Republic of Azerbaijan, under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, as an independent, sovereign, and democratic country, is developing dynamically with effective management, socio-economic and human capital development, and its growing role and prestige in international relations.

Nowadays, Azerbaijani people are celebrating the Day of National Salvation in the context of the country's territorial integrity, following the country's glorious victory in the 44-day Second Karabakh war, which ended Armenia's occupation of Azerbaijani lands.